image Newsletter

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image is a monthly publication of the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Marketing and Communications office, and is distributed to members of the University community.

  • Rachel Rice, editor
  • Eric Brissette, webmaster
  • Rowena McPherson, graphics
  • Gayla Shaw, administrative assistant

Phone: (207) 768-9452
Fax: (207) 768-9608


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Professor Emeritus, Dr. Richard Shain Cohen has new novel published

Professor Emeritus, Dr. Richard Shain Cohen has new novel published

Dr. Cohen’s book Ecstasy and Distress is a historical family saga and romance that spans several generations. The story unfolds as a Jewish immigrant family settles in the busy and growing city of Portland, Maine, in 1840. Here they find many hardships as they confront anti-Semitism, nativism, and adjustment difficulties as they gain acceptance as peddlers and shopkeepers. At that time, Jewish men becoming physicians and lawyers parallels the women who faced the same derision in order to become doctors and lawyers as well. The novel thus tells of Jewish marriages and intermarriages that continue to build the family tree. These characters are strong self-assured women and men who reject family dismay as they find love, joy and gain acceptance in their struggle for dignity and honor, not only in their chosen professions but within the various families. Dr. Cohen’s book can be purchased from, Barnes & Noble and many other retailers worldwide. Congratulations!

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