Battiste to offer Distinguished Lecture on Indigenous Knowledge in Education
The University of Maine at Presque Isle’s 2008-2009 Distinguished Lecturer Series kicks off the spring semester and the New Year with a presentation by an internationally renowned researcher on Native American language and culture and Indigenous education.
Dr. Marie Battiste, the Academic Director of the Aboriginal Education Research Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, will speak on “Animating Indigenous Knowledge in Education: From Resilience to Renaissance” on Thursday, Jan. 29 at 7 p.m. in the Campus Center. The public is invited to attend this free event. Battiste also will speak to several University classes and community groups, including the local Native American community, during her visit.
For more than 30 years, Battiste has researched Aboriginal culture and experience and how they are related to lifelong learning. Her studies have ranged from protection of Aboriginal knowledge, heritage and culture to Native American learning paradigms to university retention and access of Aboriginal graduate students.