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  • Eric Brissette, webmaster
  • Rowena McPherson, graphics
  • Gayla Shaw, administrative assistant

Phone: (207) 768-9452
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Literacy Tea

Literacy Tea

Children’s book lovers of all ages had a brand new event to enjoy—complete with themed and decorated tables, crafts, and snacks—when The Literacy Tea took place on Saturday, Sept. 14, in the University of Maine at Presque Isle’s Campus Center. Event proceeds went toward the purchase of books for children in foster care in Aroostook County.

Organized by UMPI alumna Laura Hale with help from retired UMPI faculty member Wendy Ross and local educator Halina Herzog, and sponsored by UMPI, the Literacy Tea was designed to be a celebration of children’s literature perfect for kids, parents, grandparents, friends, teachers, and all book lovers. Participants enjoyed snacks, crafts, and reading fun, all centered around favorite children’s books.

The event featured 20 different tables hosted by volunteers and themed around a specific children’s book or author. Books/series/authors included: Harry Potter, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Miss Rumphius, Madeline, Alice in Wonderland, Charlotte’s Web, Learning to Ski with Mr. Magee, Hatchet, Nancy Drew, Skippyjon Jones, Dr. Seuss, Big Heroes DC Super Friends, The Secret Garden, If You Give a Moose a Muffin and other various Laura Numeroff books, Linnea in Monet’s Garden, Winnie-the-Pooh, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Nibbles, Magic Beach, and Anne of Green Gables.

Each table spent time reading the featured book, or a portion of it, and enjoying snacks, crafts, and other activities centered around the book theme. The event also included a large group literature activity, and a table of raffle items including cookies decorated by Baked by Olivia B, a basket of books, and a basket of tea items.

The goal of the event was to provide a fun community activity that promotes literacy while at the same time creating a way to provide quality books to children in foster care. Organizers were able to provide books to all children currently in foster care in Aroostook County. Books were purchased through Usborne Books & More, which matched all donations at 50 percent.

The event was put on with the help of many “table volunteers” as well as local libraries, including Northern Maine Community College and Walter T.A. Hansen Memorial Library in Mars Hill, and organizations such as The Aroostook Partners in the Arts and The Nordic Heritage Center.

For more information about this effort, please contact Laura Hale at 207-227-8476 or

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