Last day to apply to graduate in MaineStreet is Monday, March 31, 2025.
Still don’t know how to apply?
Greetings Class of 2025! In an effort to provide you with the important graduation information you need without sending multiple emails, we’ve tried to list all the important things here. (Please note that the most up-to-date graduation information can be found on this page.) Read on, and please reach out if you have any questions!
2025 Graduates, if you are interested in addressing the graduating Class of 2025, please complete and submit THIS FORM no later than Friday, March 28, 2025. Interviews will take place the week of March 31-April 4 with a final decision made on April 7th.
In-person option
As President Rice shared in the fall, we are planning to hold an in-person 116th Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 10, at 10 AM in Wieden Gymnasium (it will also be streamed live on UMPI’s YouTube page). We hope to see you there; please save the date!
2:00 PM, Friday, May 9th, Wieden Auditorium and Gymnasium.
Virtual option
We’ll also host a virtual graduation ceremony to be made available on our YouTube page in June. This ceremony will recognize graduates who are unable to join us in person. The event will feature a slideshow that lists participants’ names, degree, and other commendations (these items will be read aloud), as well as a photo and personal quote if you’re able to provide it. Direction from you on how to pronounce your full name would be greatly appreciated. Please plan to submit your photo/quote/name pronunciation no later than Friday, April 18, to ensure they can be included.
*Can’t make Rehearsal on Friday?
If you cannot make rehearsal on Friday, you will need to report to the cafeteria at Kelly Commons in the Campus Center by 9:00 AM on Saturday. Make sure to bring ALL of your regalia, as this is where you will be robing and lining up by your program to march down the sidewalk to Wieden Gymnasium. If you did not get your honor cords on Friday, you can receive them the morning of Commencement. If it is raining on Commencement morning, robing will occur in Wieden Hall 9:00 AM.
Cap and gown orders will ship to your home this year. Please complete this regalia order form in order to start the process. Orders MUST be placed by March 28th! Shipping time is two (2) weeks.
The Office of Student Records is looking into a new ticketing system for Commencement. Please stay tuned for further information.
The Marketing and Communications Office will be offering professional portrait photo sessions over the course of two days in April (dates to be shared soon). This is free and open to all UMPI 2025 graduates.
Special formal graduation announcements will be available for you to send to family and friends. An electronic Commencement Announcement will be emailed to you as a PDF and JPG on Wednesday, April 16, 2025.
The Office of Student Records is using a new diploma platform service called Parchment, so UMPI diplomas will no longer be printed in-house. Directions for creating your Parchment account will follow once degrees have been conferred.
Diploma frames and an assortment of University memorabilia will be available in the UMPI Spirit Store. The frames have a mahogany finish and the mat is imprinted with the University’s logo under glass. The Spirit Store will be open Friday, May 9, until 4:30 p.m. and on Commencement Day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Want to be part of a new UMPI tradition?
Every Senior who donates $20.25 in honor of their class year will receive a commemorative blue and gold philanthropy cord to wear at Commencement and keep after as a thank-you for their gift. This is an opportunity to give back to our UMPI community and help support our current and future Owls. Visit:
Order your Cap & Gown | Friday, March 28 | CAP, GOWN & TASSEL ORDER FORM |
Student Commencement Speaker Submissions | Friday, March 28 | STUDENT COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER FORM |
Last day to apply in MaineStreet for graduation | Monday, March 31 | You must apply in order for your degree to be conferred and to be eligible to march or participate in the virtual ceremony |
2025 Grad Portrait Sessions | April | TO BE UPDATED |
Submit your photo/quote/name pronunciation (for virtual ceremony only) | Friday, April 18 | SUBMISSION FORM |
UMFK/other campus marchers’ rehearsal | Thursday, May 8 Time TBD | For those students who cannot make our Friday rehearsal due to other UMS campus commitments |
Commencement Rehearsal* | Friday, May 9, 2:00pm | Wieden Auditorium and Gymnasium |
Commencement Day | Saturday, May 10 | Robing in cafeteria at Kelley Commons, second floor of the Campus Center by 9:00am. Rain location Wieden Hall. Commencement Ceremony Wieden Gymnasium 10:00am. |
View updated Commencement information | Updated regularly | WWW.UMPI.EDU/GRADUATION |
Stay connected, share your thoughts, post a photo of your decorated cap…
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- Office of Student Records
- Transcript Requests
- Forms
- Course Registration for Non-Degree Students
- Legal Name Change Request Form
- Replacement Diploma Request
- Student Consent to Release Information
- Transcript Request Form
- UMPI UMFK Education Collaborative Degree Transition Form
- UMPI UMFK Nursing Collaborative Degree Transition Form
- Veteran Certification Request Form
- Academic Appeals
- Advanced Placement
- Confidentiality/FERPA
- Degree Verifications
- Graduation
- International Baccalaureate
- Request an Enrollment Verification
- Register for a Class
- State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA)
- Veteran Services
- Staff
- Office of Student Records
- Transcript Requests
- Forms
- Course Registration for Non-Degree Students
- Legal Name Change Request Form
- Replacement Diploma Request
- Student Consent to Release Information
- Transcript Request Form
- UMPI UMFK Education Collaborative Degree Transition Form
- UMPI UMFK Nursing Collaborative Degree Transition Form
- Veteran Certification Request Form
- Academic Appeals
- Advanced Placement
- Confidentiality/FERPA
- Degree Verifications
- Graduation
- International Baccalaureate
- Request an Enrollment Verification
- Register for a Class
- State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA)
- Veteran Services
- Staff