Our GIS Laboratory, located on the second floor of Folsom Hall, not only supports our academic programs, it provides the region with a way to strengthen the geospatial capabilities of northern Maine for community development. Led by faculty member Dr. Chunzeng Wang, the GIS Lab hosts public talks, offers workshops open to the community, and collaborates with municipalities and organizations on GIS projects. To learn more, please contact Dr. Wang at 207-768-9412 or chunzeng.wang@maine.edu.

What is GIS?
GIS (Geographic Information System) is a computing system designed to capture, store, retrieve, analyze, and display geographic information/spatial data. GIS is a powerful tool in dealing with geographic information and in decision making. It is a technological application, which can be used across various disciplines. With improvements in the capabilities of GIS technology and the power of GIS map displays, the number and types of GIS uses have expanded exponentially from purely infrastructure, engineering, and environmental applications to program planning applications pertaining to social and public policy issues.